Coventry & Warwickshire MIND
This is the new state of the art recovery centre which the charity say " set to change the future of mental health care in Coventry".
JMS's role was to co-ordinate a design that could incorporate modern offsite construction methods. Such methods afford massive opportunities for design and build. Elements of the structure are fabricated off site, delivered in modules and constructed quickly on site.
The superstructure was formed in Structural
Insulated Panels (SIPs) whilst the foundations were sited on precast piles and ground
beams. With the adoption of offsite construction, time was saved on site.
St Clair Gardens will provide up to 14 residents with cutting edge facilities to aid and support their mental and emotional wellbeing closer to home.
Forum Health Centre
The £2.4 million redevelopment of a Coventry health centre has become a focal part of Coventry's Wyken area.
The main challenge for JMS was to design the new structure re-using the existing foundations and, as far as practicably possible, the below drainage goods in order to save time and money during construction.
The dramatic front feature of bold cladding and overhangs were formed from cantilevered steel beams to which the features were hung, with the overall feature shortlisted for RIBA West Midlands Awards.
Since opening, the centre has since become the first practise in Coventry & Rugby to be rated 'outstanding' by the CQC.
JMS Midlands
Nuneaton Office: 02476 350505
Leicester Office: 01163 800725
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are, and will be equally proud to support.